Siru - Hazebad Lollypop Beau

Siru was born in Hyvinkää, Finland on 17th October 2007.
She was born as a sixt puppie in a litter of 8 puppies. Already as a puppy she was bored when other puppies started to sleep. She would have wanted to play with her brothers and sisters non-stop. Home she moved on 8th December 2007.
Siru is a happy and a very energetic young bitch. She loves to play with others, but also very often she starts to play by herself. She loves swimming. She learns new things pretty easily, most of them on a First go. Siru also invents how to achieve something she really wants. She is very persistent and doesnt give up easily. She is very keen on her family. She is mostly brave but now and again gets scared of new things she hasnt seen before. She loves people and company.
Junior Winner 2008, Veteran Winner 2015
Siru in dogdatabase