born 28.10.2012
Hazebad Lollypop Beau & Bartelt Boica fan de Moiae Hôvingen
4 female and 4 male

Love Me Tender-litter
born 8.1.2014
Dimka Fenske fan de Moaie Hôvingen & Hazebad Lionheart Baako
1 female and 2 male

Action Hero-litterborn 9.1.2017
Milomiss Halloween Magic & Jouri Remmert Fan't Molenaars Hiem
4 female and 4 male

born 24.10.2017
Milomiss Halloween Púmpkin & Frisian Gem Donias Dubbelt
2 female and 6 male

Northern Lights-litter
born .7.2.2018
Milomiss Love Me Tender Grace & Ohped Dal Olipas Opetus
4 female and 2 male
Adventurous-litter born 7.9.2019
Loura Lykke Li Fan De Moaie Hôvingen & Åtta Små Tassarnas Exxon
3 female and 3 male

Lapland's -litter
born 30.10.2020
Milomiss Runaway Snow White & Mi Biras Atlas
2 male
Xmas - litter
born 24.11.2021
Hazebad Miracle Grace's Surprise & Friesvik's Zeije af Zelda of Lui
3 female and 4 male

Chanel - litterborn 8.11.2022
Milomiss Adventurous Coco Chanel & Hazebad One For All Albin
4 female and 4 male

Such A Drama- litter
born 17.11.2023
Milomiss Adventurous Miuccia Prada & Sandhill Chili's Energic Eomer
3 female and 7 male