Trip to the Swedish Winner
We started our trip on Wednesday - Thursday (17-18.4.2019) night towards Vaasa. We had a special van from Hazebad kennel so we could travel nicely with 6 dogs. We chose Wasaline as it took only 4hours for us to get to Sweden. Much more nice than staying the whole night in a ferry with 6 dogs which would have been a fact if we would have chocen to go via Stockholm. I have to give credit to Wasaline as they had a really nice place for people travelling with pets, even on boards cages which you could borrow.

When we arrived to Umeå we had 4 hour drive to Söde which was pass Sundsvall. There we had rented a house. We really did enjoy the house and the amazing scenery there was.

On Friday we spent a day in Sundsvall as we where in a ring with two Landseers bringing a Swedish Junior Winner 2019 tittle back to Finland. Awesome! Saturday was all about Stabijs this time no titless but what a wonderful day we had.

Me met breeders from Norway and Sweden and also Madeleine Jedi's breeder. I also met Nelson who is Indys "boyfriend". The pictures can tell it all!